
the end of an era

Tonight was the night.  Two good-bye parties.  The first two.  
I'm starting to feel a little bit sad that I'm leaving.  I think for the first time tonight, I realized that my Biola time is nearly over.  It's a little strange.  

Tonight I passed the baton to my dear friend and brother, Kyle.  
He's followed me for three years and once again, he's taking my job.  Inevitably, he'll do a much better job, just as he's done the last two years following me in the positions I've held.  He's grown so much and I'm so proud to call him my dear friend.  

Danika and I.  

And my precious Debi

Shannon Elizabeth

These are my girls.  2008-2009 Office Staff
Lorraina, Sandy, Paige, Alicia
The best secretaries any office manager could ask for.  

And here is the old and new office staff all together.  

My beloved SMU staff.  

And the newbies.  They're only babies, but God will use them powerfully.  
You're looking at the next generation of world changers!  

Time is ticking.  Only three weeks left.  


Grace and Joy said...

Oh my...this makes me cry. Happy tears for what God's done in you and through you during these years at Biola. Sad tears that this season is over.
Yet, a new season is beginning. I'm so pround of you! You're amazing.

Love, mom

Shannon said...

You look great Caitlin! Love the dress! Also, so proud of you! You'll do great things!