
wedding: episode 2

The second day of wedding-ness was very event filled and the wedding turned out beautifully as you will see.

Who doesn't like to start out the day with some good conversation and a cup of coffee.
(Again featuring the photography of Tobin & Brooklin. . . come to think of it, I don't think that I took any pictures the whole time.)

I'd also like to briefly comment on the juxtaposition of the paintings focusing on urban architecture in contrast with the rural vineyard setting of the winery. It was fascinating to me.

After breakfast everyone got to work. Some steaming dresses. . .

Some reading and enjoying the landscape. . .

Some eating GORP!. . .

Others tying bows.

The scene of the wedding. Beautiful with the gorge just behind it!

Here's a shot from the 'altar.'

The first look: It was precious.

Beautiful bride.

All we were waiting for was the sun. . . and it did not disappoint!

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