When I first arrived in LA, Kindra whisked me from the airport back to her house where she and Bree and I spent our first few hours together in 6 months. This time was full of talking and laughing and gift giving. It felt just like we'd never been apart! I'm so thankful I have those kinds of friends!
We were also able to spend the night before the wedding together. More giggles and some tears ensued, but we managed to get to sleep and wake up at the crack of dawn to begin the preparations.
In the car on our way to the wedding site, Bree spotted this card in Kindra's car and it was a beautiful to reminder to all three of us that He is sovreign over all things and that His presence is continually with us. More than almost any other moment, I think I will cherish this one for the rest of my life.
It says, "By day the Lord commands his steadfast love, and at night his song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life."
Brad's mom is a flourist and she created this beautiful work of art for Bree. It was her gift and expression of a special love an honor for Bree, her beauty, and new place in the Wescott family.
All the set-up was going on in the backyard while we were getting ready and we were all eager to view the beautiful canopy and decorated arch.
Andrea, Megan & Amanda with B(ride)
Kindra & I with B(eauty)
Sisters: Erin & B(ree)
New sisters: Erin, Bree & Amy
I don't have any pictures of the reception or the ceremony because I didn't want to feel like I was at work. I soaked up every single moment. I caught the bouquet! I ate some red velvet cake (Mmmm). And as quickly as it had all started, it was over.
And off they went. B checked in with me last night and reported that they're having a fabulous honeymoon!
Blessings dear friends! Thanks for letting me share in your special day and in your future as well!
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