

I am NOT a morning person.

I know you're surprised because if you've ever been around me in the morning you'll have experienced a perfectly coherent Caitlin whose abilities of articulation are at their peak and whose decision making is always rational and straight forward.

I'm being facetous, obviously. Caitlin pre-Americano is a scary sight to behold.

A few Sundays ago I had the pleasure of leading worship at my parent's church, Bethany Baptist. Rehearsal begins at 6:45am :: TOO EARLY. After changing the key of a few songs and answering a few questions with totally irrelevant answers, Scott, the bass player yelled to the sound guys in the back, 'Can someone go get Caitlin a cup of coffee?'

January 4, 2010. I officialy started my first big-girl job!

I am now a full-time Administrative Assistant at Russell Investment Group in Tacoma. You can check us out at Russell.com (and if you can figure out what we do. . . please call me because I've been curious for a few months now). I work on floor 8 of 12 with a whole bunch of salesmen who are really excited about college football. If you've ever felt totally out of place and confused about how you got where you are. . . you know how I feel. Although, I do have to admit that I work with a wonderful admin team who have made my transition into a full fledged Russell Associate very smoothe. I do things like maintain spreadsheets and update calendars. I send out Holiday cards and gifts to clients. My new big job is approving all of the requests for client gifts that come through the office. I have to make sure that they're complient with the IRS regulations, etc, etc, etc. It's weird to hear myself talk like this sometimes.

Although I've only been an associate for 1 week, I've been working at Russell as a temp for the last 2 months. Temp-ing is a good gig because you get to try out all sorts of different organizations/companies and most of them really want to hire you when you're done (as long as you do good work). My last temp contract was at REI headquarters. As you can imagine, REI is an extremely causal work environment and all of their associates are fanatical about things like kyacking. Needless to say, the differences between REI and Russell are astounding. The number 1 difference :: High heels and neck ties.

I like to think of myself as a fairly versitile, fashion comfortable woman. I own my share of heels and dress pants. Professional looking tops for someone who is shaped like me are a little harder to come by, but I'm not doing too bad in that department either. I have found, however, that there is more of an art to clothing that extends beyond blue jeans and a t-shirt. One has to be much more intentional about blues and blacks and browns, about not mixing wide-legged pants with balloony tops, and wearing shoes that will gracefully deliver you from your parking spot 2 blocks away to your 8th floor desk. On top of that, I'm almost gaurunteed that it's going to be raining, complicating a vast array of hair-dos.

Mix all of these (very important) variables with my very opening statement and there is only one word left to describe what has happened : FRUMP. All these fashion details are too much for the CaitlinShirley morning brain to handle.

A couple weeks ago, I got to work, and after drinking my first cup of coffee I went to use the ladies room, only to find that I looked like the perfect candidate for 'What NOT to Wear!' Please imagine::

1. Teal turtle neck shirt [I have NO idea why I decided that buying this shirt on clearance at Old Navy was EVER a good idea. I think when I pictured it on myself, I forgot to factor in MY body, and somehow imagined someone else with a long neck, petite shoulders, and less than a C cup wearing it. On me. . . it has the opposite effect. I just look short, wide and HUGE!]

2. Black wide-legged pants. [Not so bad, but with the wide turtle neck shirt, they just made me look square!]

3. Hair with the poof on top, pulled back [not the most flattering or 'fresh' looking hair style with the box-yness of the top]

4. A black sweater. [Basically, the sweater put it over the edge. I looked like I was at least 40 years older than I am!]

5. Flats. [To seal the deal on my looking short, square, and generally WIDE]

I think it's going to take me a while to adjust to the professional dress and general atmosphere, but I'm excelling at the integration into relationships and interpersonal dynamics. I work with 5 wonderful women who have been very gracious in showing me all of the important aspects of our jobs and allowed me to take some of their responsibility. I'm also enjoying getting to know some of the sales managers and sales reps.

It was only a year ago that I realized I wouldn't be leaving after graduation for the Peace Corps. I never would have imagined that instead I'd be working in corporate investments. Funny how God turns things upside down.

I'm so excited about what He's doing and the paths that He's paving so for me to do something radical. No CLUE what it is, but I'm sure that it's going to be FUN!!

Please pray that I would know and understand how to be Christ in this place. It starts with smiles and silent prayers, but someday it may evolve into more than that. Pray that my heart would never become hardened for marginalized people while working for people who have never known marginalization for more than 30 seconds in their lives. Thank the Lord for His provision and plans, even when we have NO idea what they're going to be.


Nicki Parker said...

congrats on the job...sounds just right for you at this stage of your life.

I know what you mean in #1....I often put something on, forgetting that I am not a tall, slender, giraffe-like person (in my dreams) and when I actually get to a mirror it's "what? who is that short, squat woman looking back at me!?"

Grace and Joy said...

I have no idea what Nicki is talking about :)
