
i feel i've missed out

i've never lived in a house that has had cable or dish or satelite or whatever it's called. 
for the most part i don't feel that my life has been lacking in any capacity. 
maybe i didn't watch the disney chanel growing up or experience the wonders of MTV as a teenager. 
i've never watched the real world or trading spaces or miami ink. 

but i'm fairly certain that i'm a much more well rounded person without the discovery chanel or the history chanel or TLC. 
i've gone to places like china, hung out with people who have lived in africa and the middle east, eaten the dishes of south america. 
i've been friends with people who were
musicians and artists and scientists and ph.d's
i've hosted parties and photographed weddings and made quilts. 
it's funny how much one can experience when life becomes more about figuring things out rather than having them explained on a cable TV show. 

i'm sometimes saddened for my friends who have ever only experienced things vicariously through their favorite TV host or reality show of the week. 

today i had a moment where i questioned all of what i just wrote. 
on a very small level, i feel i've missed out. 
it all happened when i saw this picture:

taken from the brass petal, it inspires me.  it challenges me.  it gives me hope that beauty is vintage, modern, and thrifty. 
it's beautiful. 

and it's all designed by a woman named emily henderson who beat out the toughest competition on HGTV: Design Star a few weeks ago.  apparently she'll be hosting her own show on HGTV now, as part of her reward for winning the show. 

i'm left only to question what other interior inspiration have i missed on this show? 
luckily i have her blog to read and pour over and learn from.  but what if i hadn't seen this picture on another blog? 
my life would be empty.  void of hope and inspiration. 
[now i'm VASTLY exaggerating] 


and after all of that i just went on HGTV.com and i can watch the entire season online. 
wow.  most pointless post ever. 

but i still think people should go to china rather than watching the travel chanel. 

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